
Saturday 8 January 2011

ღMakeup Beauty Tagღ

1. What foundation do you use?
Laval Natural Ivory 601 mixed with a little bit of Super BB creme
2. How about concealer?
I used to use Avon's Concealer but i dont really use it anymore
3. Do you know your undertone color?
4. What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I love them. I dont use them tho because i have naturally long eyelashes so there is no point in my using them but i did try them out the once and they are really hard to put on
5. Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, I normally finish my mascara way before that tho and if not then i use it for something like 3 months and 1 week so thats not too bad
6. What brand of mascara do you use?
Right now im using Bad Gal Waterproof but i use other different ones such as Max factor beyond lenghts and Almay puyre blends
7. Sephora, drugstore or departmental store?
Drug store. They dont have sephora in the UK and i dont buy offline because i like to have the product in my hands before i buy it.
8. Do you use mac?
Hell no! I think mac is over prices. I never use high end makeup because i just think that lower end makeup is much better. It still does the same job and sometimes it does it better then higher end makeup
9. What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
I use my Sigma brushes and to apply foundation i use a sponge
10. Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
I have used them in the past. The urban decay primer potion but now i have made some homemade primer which works just as good
11. For the face?
No, Iv never used face primer
12. What is your favorite highlight powder?
I dont wear hilight powder. Well only to hilight the brow bone and i use pigments for that
13. Contour?
Nope, Iv never done that in my life
14. What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
Right now im in love with the Lit cosmetics glitter shaddow in 'Pretty in pink' I just love everything about it!
15. Do you line your eyes?
Yes. I think it looks much better because i love my eyes to be quite dark so they stand out
16. Tightline?
Yes. Thats the only place i put it. I dont put it underneath my waterline because it irrotates me
17. Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
Pencils because i hate liquid. It gets everywhere
18. How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Iv done it once or twice and it hurts like hell
19. What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I love them. I think they are much better then pressed pigments
20. Do you use mineral makeup?
Yes i do. I use it more then pther makeup right now
21. What is your favorite lipstick?
I dont wear lipstick
22. How about lipgloss?
Rimmel London vynal gloss
23. What blush do you use?
MUA shade 2
24. Type or brand or name?
Rimmel london, MUA, Bad gal, Urban decay and other random brands
25. Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
I have done once before. The 120 pallette which i dont seem to use
26. Do you like drugstore makeup?
I always buy from drugstores. Much cheaper
27. Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
Yes, I would really love to do it in the future. I use youtube for that tho and i also have my own youtube channel
28. Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Everyone is to some extent. More with eyeliner and mascara with me tho
29. Name a makeup crime that you hate
I hate lipstick lipliner. I cant stand how it looks.
30. Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I love Nuterals the most. Im scared to try wacky looks just incase i look stupid
31. Can you share a make up trick that you know?
Apply liner with a pencil or a tiny brush, then trace over the line with a matching powder shadow. To make it last even longer: Wet your shadow brush with Visine first.
32. Which celebrity always has great make up?
Taylor Swift
33. Can you make a "cat eye" wing?
Yes but i rarly do it because i dont think it looks right on me
34. If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
This is so hard because i can never leave the house without full makeup. It would have to be mascara
35. Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Hell No! Never in my life have i done that. I just feel so bare and ugly
36. Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
No i look horrid. My bf and other random people think i look good withouht it but i refuse to believe them
37. In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
MUA because its only £1 and its really pigmented and they have some really fab colours
38. Would you ever consider permanent makeup?
Yes because i dont have to spend so long in the mirror every morning and my makeup would be perfect everyday =)
39. Have you ever work in a cosmetic line?
No but i would really love to. Id love to get my own brand going


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